Personalized Myopia Management

Myopia Management - Boy Holding Eyeglasses

Our Myopia Treatment = Instant Relief + Lasting Results

Our experienced team uses a mix of modernized best practices with the kind of compassionate, customized care that you’ve grown to know and love. And we apply this combination to address your child’s nearsightedness (myopia) and make sure that they get the help they need to restore their sight and reduce the long-term risk of developing serious eye diseases as they age. If your child is squinting at the TV, struggling to focus, or has already been diagnosed with myopia and needs a check-up, then its time to book their eye exam.


What is Myopia?

Myopia, or nearsightedness, happens when the shape of the eye changes, becoming longer like a football. This change affects how light enters the eye and how images are focused on the retina. Myopia can be hard to catch because vision gets worse slowly, and most kids don’t realize there’s a problem until their vision is noticeably blurry. Regular eye exams are important to ensure your child’s vision stays healthy.

Myopia Symptoms

Myopia symptoms hinder sight and cause physical discomfort. If you or your child are suffering from the following symptoms, we recommend scheduling an appointment with their eye doctor:

  • Blurry vision
  • Close items appearing clear
  • Eye strain
  • Squinting
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue after viewing far away objects
  • Frequently rubbing eyes
  • Sitting close to television or other screens

Causes of Myopia

There are some factors that can increase the likelihood and severity of myopia, including:

  • Prolonged close-up activities. Excessive tablet or screen use, reading, or doing other activities for long periods of time increases risk.
  • Environmental conditions. Spending too much time on tablets, screens, or reading for long periods can increase the risk.
  • Genetics. Children of nearsighted parents are more likely to develop nearsightedness.
Myopia Management - Girl Wearing Eyeglasses
Myopia Management - Boy Holding Eyeglasses

Our Advanced Diagnostics

Every child’s vision is unique, which is why we use the latest technology to assess the severity of your child’s vision loss and create the best treatment plan. Our advanced pediatric eye exams can detect even the smallest issues, so we can act quickly to protect your child’s vision. We use the most advanced equipment because it helps our pediatric eye care experts provide the personalized care your child deserves.

Myopia Management - Boy Holding Eyeglasses

Our Advanced Diagnostics

Every child’s vision is unique, which is why we use the latest technology to assess the severity of your child’s vision loss and create the best treatment plan. Our advanced pediatric eye exams can detect even the smallest issues, so we can act quickly to protect your child’s vision. We use the most advanced equipment because it helps our pediatric eye care experts provide the personalized care your child deserves.

Why Choose Premier Eyecare Associates to Manage Your Child’s Myopia?

At Premier Eyecare Associates, our focus is on family. We don’t just treat myopia — we provide solutions that are custom-fit to your child’s needs and family’s lifestyle. The impact myopia makes on your child’s sight can be reduced, and proper root cause care can lower the chance that they develop other serious conditions later in life, like glaucoma, retinal detachment, and cataracts. Don’t take chances on your child’s eye health; schedule their appointment today!


Our Convenient

  • Brookfield
  • Carrollton
  • Chillicothe
  • Kirksville
  • Trenton
431 S Main St.
Brookfield, MO 64628
(660) 227-5864